68% of Internet Marketers have Recurring Nightmares of Google Algorithm Changes, New Study Says
Cleveland, OH – Researchers at the world renowned Cleveland Clinic have completed a 3 year long double-blind, placebo-controlled, A/B-split-tested study of internet marketers’ sleep patterns.
“The idea for this study came from observing Mark Mason of “Late Night Internet Marketing” as a case study,” said lead researcher, Dr. Mike Byman. “We then began noticing a trend of strange sleep patterns in internet marketers. Because so many people are getting into online entrepreneurship we felt we needed to study this as a matter of public health.”
The research team was surprised by what they found. As the team conducted it’s research, it soon became clear that not only were internet marketers staying up later and waking up earlier than the general public, but 68% of them were actually having recurring nightmares related solely to Google Algorithm changes.
“In the scientific community, We have come to refer to this as “Google Traumatic Stress Disorder” or GTSD,” said Dr. Joe Brown of Johns Hopkins. “There are several more trials in the works to help us better understand this important health risk. We hope to find a cure within 5 years.”
“I am constantly waking up in a cold sweat. It’s terrifying,” said one internet marketer who did not want his name used. “With 5 niche sites completely dependent on Google, I really am having a hard time coping with the pressure.”
We encourage anyone struggling with these recurring dreams to seek medical attention immediately.
In the meantime, you can download our free report on GTSD.